Building evidence on IUU and ghost gear

One of the main goals of our OASIS Project is to build evidence on the presence and impact of drifting illegal or ghost fishing gear, which poses a serious threat to wildlife and maritime safety.

During our expeditions we take data, when possible retrieve these rudimentary items, and disentangle widlife such as turtles if they are caught. But one ship alone is almost insignificant, which is why we are creating a large network of collaborators, from fishers associations and navigators to ports and rescue centres.
Collaboration and coordination in reporting, retrieval and correct wildlife rescue is vital going forward, and we are more optimistic than ever thanks to amazing partners.
@usfws @noaa #Socib #joannatoolefoundation @pescadoresdecarbopesca @obsdelmar @seaturtlerescuealliance @equinac_org #ProyectoLIBERA @ecoembes @seo_birdlife @fundareinasofia
#iuufishing #ghostgear #marinelitter #cleaningtheocean #sustainableliving #responsiblefishing #marinescience #ghostfishing #Todosporlamar #basurasmarinas #basuraleza