ALNITAK wants to thank all the people and institutions that have collaborated with us since 1988. From our families and friends to research institutions and public administrations, without forgetting the more than 3,800 volunteers who have made it possible to keep the Toftevaag working.
A complete list is impossible, but we highlight this one:
The port authorities and shipyards of:
Risör, Arendal, Öckerö, Öckerö Baatvarv, Den Helder, Falmouth, Santander, A Coruña, Lisboa, Cádiz, Rota, Tarifa, Almerimar, Águilas, Torrevieja, PORTS IB, Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares, Vatasa, Adra, Nicolas Casas y Astilleros Llompart,..
Scientific institutions and environmental organizations:
The Universities Autónoma and Complutense of Madrid, the University of Alcalá, SEK, Alicante, Valencia, Autónoma de Barcelona, Almería, Málaga, Cádiz, Islas Baleares, Barcelona, La Laguna, Las Palmas, Oxford, St. Andrews – SMRU, Algarve, Lisboa, Exeter, Kiel, Siena, Montpelier, Hawaii, Cambridge, Rhode Island, Duke Marine Lab, Stanford – Hopkins Marine Station, Cook, Malta y Tetuan. los centros oceanográficos I.E.O., Azti, ICTS SOCIB, DTU Aqua, IFREMER, Woodshole Oceanographic Institution, NMFS, NOAA, IFAW, Widecast, OceanCare, KAI Marine, SEO Bridlife, y las administraciones públicas y organismos intergubernamentales (ICES, ICCAT, CMS ACCOBAMS, UNEP, UNDP, FAO GFCM, I.M.O., US Navy, Earthwatch Institute, Fundación BBVA, Fundación ASHOKA, Fundación Reina Sofía, Fundación SAVE THE MED, Greenpeace, Oceana, ANSE, Equinac y Hydra Institute), Fundación ASHOKA, Catamaran Menorca, Menorca en barco, Equinac, Almas Marinas, Fundación Palma Aquarium, Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd, GOB Menorca, Promar, Oceanidas, Mednight, Hombre y Territorio, CECAM, Guelaya, Proyecto LIBERA – SEO Birdlife, CENEAM, Asociación Vertidos 0, AEBAM, ..
Governmental and intergovernmental organizations:
USFWS, G. Djibouti, G. Malta, Gobierno de España, Gobierno de las Islas Baleares, CMS ACCOBAMS, FAO CGPM, EC, UE, ICES, ICCAT, UNEP, UNDP, IMO, NATO NURC, US ONR,..
Institutions of the communication and education sector:
RTVE, TV Galicia, Euskaltelebista, Canal Sur, FR3 Thalassa, El Mundo, El País, La Razón, ABC, Última Hora, Viajar, Yate y Motonautica, Quercus, GEO, National Geographic, BBC Wildvision (Blue Planet y 21st Century Ark), Transglobe Films (Keepers of the Planet), ARTE TV (Expedition Mediterranean), BBC News, National Geographic Crittercam, Transglobe, New Atlantis, OrcaFilms, Paleartica Films, Estrella Damm, Colegios SEK, Viajes Tuareg, Viajes Itsaslur, Viajes Años Luz, Bellver College, ADIME, ASHOKA Schools,..