Over these more than 3 decades, Alnitak has authored many studies and reports, as well as compiled protocols and guidelines, and contributed to the education of countless professionals of the sea, students, and others. This website is now a platform where we will compile as much of this work as possible to share openly for the benefit of anyone interested.
The “Alnitak Academy” is the portal for most of these resources. Here you will find recorded lectures, PDFs, peer-review papers in which we have contributed, and more.
For our courses:
“Monitoring the open seas” (Module I).
“Advanced course on tracking of great pelagic species” (Module II)
We recommend 2 ECTS credit points each, with the possibility to extend to 3 credit points for each of the courses. However to obtain your certificate we require this theoretical content be complemented with practical hands-on experience on board one of our volunteer expeditions.
Download Area
Module I “Monitoring the open Seas”
Module II “Advanced course on tracking of great pelagic species”
Our “Todos por la Mar” section is specific for Spanish speakers who collaborate in our projects, and it compiles our materials which help them contribute data such as wildlife sightings and reporting of IUU and ghost gear. Most of these are fishers and other navigators, people who are at Sea often, and are therefore much-needed eyes on the water.
We intend to update these sections regularly, and recommend you subscribe to our communications and YouTube to stay updated.